The Proper Use of Tech Tools in CX

Technology is often seen as a solution to our CX problems, but then ends up creating its own ills. Good tech usage requries a solid understanding of workflow and process before use.


Joseph Loria

5/7/20232 min read

Ever subscribed to some new tech tool thinking it would change your life, only to soon arrive at disappointment?

❌ Bad software? Not necessarily.

✅ Bad process? Probably.

Applications are simply tools, and tools rarely come with processes built in. Imagine buying a piece of woodworking equipment with no idea of what you wanted to make or how to even attempt it. The equipment sure as heck won’t help, and your poor result will be your fault, not that of the tool (tempting as that blame would be).

Then why do we purchase software thinking it will help with our processes?

People | Process | Technology

It’s easy to get enamored with tech and promising case studies, but let’s not forget the basic, decades-old PPT framework for managing and transforming work: People, Process, and Technology.

  • 🧑🏿 People do the work;

  • 📝 The work follows a Process;

  • ⚙️ Processes are facilitated by Technology.

Skipping that middle layer of the framework only leads to Technology replicating bad Processes. To take the framework a step further, you really should dig in on each to ensure:

  • 🧑🏿 You have the right roles and People;

  • 📝 Your Processes are efficient and optimized;

  • ⚙️ Your Technology streamlines your specific workflows.

The one truth here is that Technology is always the last thing to work on. As for what comes first, well:

  • 🧑🏿➡️📝 People Then Process. If you have people doing work, map your Processes to give you a feel for complexity, clarity, flow, quality, etc.

  • 📝 ➡️🧑Process Then People. If you’re figuring out roles, start with documenting processes and include tasks, frequencies, quality measures, skills needed, etc. to gain an understanding of the roles and therefore People required.

Right Tech, Right Time

Past that, remember that tech usage should be agile, versus some implement-once-and-use-forever approach. Increase your use (and type) of technology over time as your team matures and grows. Think of tech usage in three increasing levels:

  • 1️⃣ Improve organization and visibility

  • 2️⃣ Improve workflow and efficiency

  • 3️⃣ Improve value through automation and a focus on risk and opportunity

Trello is a great example of a Level 1 tool that helps you organize projects and gives a small team great visibility into tasks and issues. But one day, with growth, you’ll need something that creates more efficiency, then later on you’ll need something with heavy automation to help you scale.

Maybe generative AI changes this in time. But for now, be sure you have your processes documented and somewhat optimized before you buy technology.